Oregon Registry Online (ORO)

The Oregon Registry Online (ORO) is a database that stores training and education for Oregon’s childhood care and education professionals. ORO helps you meet system requirements such as Office of Child Care licensing needs and Department of Human Services Enhanced Rate Program eligibility. You may also use ORO to produce an official record of your training and education, called a Professional Development Statement.

Log in or create an account at my.oregonregistryonline.org.

In ORO you can:

  • Access your Professional Development Statement (PDS)

  • Submit your Training and Education

Upload on ORO

Online at www.my.oregonregistryonline.org/

Mail in Certificates/Transcripts: ORO Cover Sheet

Oregon Registry Steps

The Oregon Registry Steps are a sequence of twelve steps based on training and education in the childhood care and education field. Registry Steps:

  • Promote the childhood care and education profession while recognizing you as a professional.

  • Recognize your training and education related to childhood care and education.

  • Provide a pathway for your future professional development.

  • Open doors to money related your Registry Step (Enhanced Rate & Scholarships).

  • Connect you to others who care about children and families.

Apply for an Oregon Registry Step

Use the Oregon Registry Step Application to apply for a new or higher Step on the Registry. You will receive a certificate showing the Oregon Registry Step you achieve based on review of your training and education. Our Oregon Registry team will award you the highest Step possible.

Follow all instructions on the application to ensure your application is complete when submitted. Incomplete applications are returned. Step applications take approximately 45 business days to process.

Tips to applying for an Oregon Registry Step:

  1. Read the entire “Oregon Registry Steps” section of this page before proceeding.

  2. Copy your training and education documentation (training certificates, college transcripts, and/or degree certificates).

  3. Complete the Oregon Registry Step Application.

  4. Mail a copy of your application to:
    ATTN: Oregon Registry
    PO Box 751
    Portland, OR 97207-0751

Need help? Make an appointment with your local Oregon Child Care Resource and Referral. To find a Child Care Resource and Referral near you, visit triwou.org/projects/ccccrr or call 800-342-6712.

Find more information on: https://www.pdx.edu/education-career-development/steps-credentials-oro